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7 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

7 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

Are you ready to start your journey toward parenthood? Before embarking on this life-changing path, it's crucial to ensure you are in the best health possible. This is especially important if you are planning for a natural delivery. Proper preparation for pregnancy can greatly increase the chances of a safe, joyful birth and a healthy mother and baby.

At Optimal Women's Health, Dr. Valerie Ginsburg is here to support you from conception through pregnancy, delivery, and beyond. Here are seven essential tips to help you prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

Tip 1: Seek Preconception Care

Before you begin trying to conceive, it's essential to confirm that you are in good health and fully prepared for pregnancy, both physically and emotionally. A preconception checkup at Optimal Women's Health can help identify areas to improve, enhancing your chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby.

During this visit, we will review your personal and family health histories and conduct a thorough assessment of your current health. We'll address any chronic conditions you may have, discuss medication management during pregnancy, and evaluate any factors that could lead to a high-risk pregnancy.

Tip 2: Take Folic Acid

It's recommended that women who are trying to conceive start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, beginning at least one month before conception. Taking folic acid before and during the first trimester can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in your baby.

Tip 3: Monitor Your Weight

Achieving a healthy weight can make it easier to conceive and support a smoother pregnancy. Being underweight can result in an underweight baby, while being overweight can lead to complications. Maintaining a healthy weight can help ensure a safer pregnancy and delivery.

Tip 4: Eat a Balanced Diet

Adopting a nutritious preconception diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables (especially leafy greens), low-fat dairy, lean proteins, and healthy fats (like nuts, seeds, and avocados) can prepare your body for pregnancy and provide essential nutrients for your baby. Enjoy comfort foods in moderation to maintain a balanced diet.

Tip 5: Exercise Regularly

You don't need to train for a marathon, but regular exercise can make carrying and delivering a baby easier. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, even if it's just a walk. Consider incorporating flexibility and core-strengthening exercises into your routine, and explore preconception and prenatal fitness programs.

Tip 6: Manage Stress

Ensure you get enough quality sleep and work to reduce stress in your life. Many women find that once they relax and stop stressing about fertility, they are more likely to conceive. If you encounter difficulties, our team is here to help, and we can refer you to a fertility specialist if needed.

Tip 7: Avoid Risky Behaviors

Now is the time to quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, and avoid other risky substances. These habits can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, premature births, and low-birthweight babies. Taking steps to eliminate these behaviors can significantly improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

To learn more about improving preconception health and increasing your chances of having a healthy baby, call our office in Denver, Colorado, or use our convenient online booking tool to schedule a preconception visit today.

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