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Why More Women Than Ever Are Choosing Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) options include methods that last years without changes or upkeep over that period. Two options in the LARC category are among the most popular birth control options today, and their use is steadily growing more common among women in their childbearing years.

At Optimal Women’s Health, our caring OB/GYN, Dr. Valerie Ginsburg, supports patient choice. She understands that every woman has different needs, so she provides a full range of family planning and birth control offerings at our Denver, Colorado, office. 

Here, learn more about long-acting reversible contraception options and why they’re so popular. 

LARC options and benefits

There are two main types of LARC: birth control implants (Nexplanon®) and intrauterine devices (IUDs), which are either hormonal or copper. Implants and IUDs both offer great benefits that align perfectly with busy, modern lifestyles.


When you opt for LARC, you visit our office once for the insertion. This process only takes a matter of minutes, and you can get back to your normal routine right away, without the need for follow-up. 

LARC takes effect quickly. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, IUDs and implants can take effect anywhere from immediately to one week. 

With your LARC inserted, you’re all set: no more birth control worries. IUDs last from 3-12 years, depending on the specific brand. Nexplanon lasts up to three years. And Dr. Ginsberg can remove them before that, if you choose.

Many women love the convenience factor: There are no daily pills to take and nothing to remember except your regular well women exams with Dr. Ginsburg. You have the freedom to focus on other aspects of your life without nagging worries about contraception.  

Highly effective, yet reversible    

LARCs have the highest success rate of all the contraception options out there. IUDs and Nexplanon are both better than 99% effective. The only other methods that can compare are tubal ligation (tube tying) and hysterectomy (uterus removal), which end your fertility permanently. 

But permanent solutions are, well, permanent. If preserving your fertility matters to you, LARCs are a great option to consider because they’re fully reversible. If you decide that you want to get pregnant later, it’s not a problem at all. LARCs don’t have long-term effects once removed. 

Dr. Ginsberg can remove your IUD or implant in a quick in-office procedure, and you can start trying to conceive immediately if you wish. 

Relief of period-related symptoms

Some women struggle with chronic pelvic pain and heavy periods. In many cases, hormones are a good way to regulate your menstrual cycle and relieve these symptoms. 

Hormone-based LARC methods can help ease symptoms as they prevent pregnancy. It’s like a two-for-one!

Considering your birth control options?

If you’re thinking about starting or making a change to your birth control, we’re happy to discuss LARC and other options with you. We always strive to live up to our name, working hand-in-hand with you to help you forge a path to optimal health and vibrant wellness. 

To find out for yourself why more women are choosing long-acting reversible contraception, phone our office or connect with us online to set up your appointment with Dr. Ginsburg today.

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